A long time ago, my mentor told me to ignore what is going
on outside of your studio. Do not become distracted from the deeper thought and
commitment necessary to create at a level that can make you seriously
competitive. Because if you want to be at the top of your game you must, keep focused
while working and improving. He said to make your artwork deep and so good it
cannot be denied. Do this and you will be found, the world will find you!
This process is true, acknowledgement belongs to the
deserved ones whose work separates them from the pack of otherwise “good
artists”. We are all good artists here, only a very few become great. What is it
that gives your work a special hook or vision? What is your skill level?
Setting ego aside, look at what you create and ask yourself if it is truly the
very best, you can do. Will it separate you from the pack of other good artists?
We live a creative life and have done so all our life; to us
this is what is important. We are painters. We are sculptors. We make images
that fulfill our spirit and vision of the world. We are true artists in every
sense of the word. There is no one else we need to convince of this. It is at
this point in our life there is nothing to prove to anyone. Our success is not
determined by external fame or fortune but by the joy, we find in living this
life. Time will tell if what we have done will last.
Now with all this said there is also a need to share what we
as artists make with others. We want them to see what we have been doing. We
want them to see our vision. We would like to sell a piece of work occasionally
so we can validate our process. Doing this is unavoidable to the artist.
Without this, we are living in a vacuum.
Therefore, the dilemma arises of how to share our work. Devoting
time to this process takes us away from the studio. So luckily, with the
creation of the Internet, we live in a time that now circumvents many
traditional time consuming approaches. Posting your work on a web page takes
less time then seeking a gallery that may reject you or is less costly then
hiring someone to promote you. Nevertheless, which one do you use? There are so
many ways to expose your work? This magazine is a good start. However, you need
There is a new website now developed and going active soon it is called
Artoura.com and it is being designed to promote artist, museums
and galleries all over the world. It is also an educational resource that will
help art enthusiasts to understand, learn and even purchase artwork, plan
travel trips around art and sell museum tickets and guided tours when
traveling. This site will give artists their own portfolio page and the ability
to dialogue about your work and that of others. I am excited about this new web
venue and hope that you will be to.The way forward in today's art world is on the web as well as in person.