I must admit it has been a long time since I was looking for work, 17 years to be exact. I haven't had to describe what I do or how I do it. I haven't had to convince anyone of my abilities as they were demonstrated every day. I haven't had to talk about myself in ways that attempt to reveal my skills, my usefulness, my statesmanship, my ability to compromise or get along with others. These things have been clear to all I worked with and no bragging was necessary.
I find that now I need to think of all the value I can add to a job. I need to prove my skills and to tout accomplishments. What a pain in the ass this is. But there is no other way if I am to find my next job. Now I don't mind that all this is taking place, I am learning that over the years I have become someone of worth, I have great confidence and common sense and know that I can solve any problem I am faced with. So bring it on interviewers, ask me why you need me, I will give you a host of reasons. Give me the job and we both win. If it is not you then it will be someone else soon.
In the meantime you will find me in my studio working on my art. I have no time to waist. There is still so much to do and so little time to do it all. I could get use to this so don't wait to long or I may find myself locked in the studio not thinking about you and your needs. The muse is with me and she is lovely.