I look at this year as an opportunity to improve my relationships with others, to cultivate new friends, to share what knowledge I have gained with my students and to improve the quality and content of my art. I am writing all this down now, not only for you, my readers but so I can use it to remind myself of these goals. It is so easy for me to loose sight of my bigger self; I can get tired and grumpy and forget the feelings that drive my best intentions.
In 2010 the blog will be loaded with my lots of new ideas and images. Well-crafted words and pictures carefully created to please hearts and minds. Artists need a place to show what they do. Blogging on the web gives me the opportunity to share what at one time would only be seen in an art gallery at a single location. Now, it is so much easier to share through the web, I reach so many more people from all over the world. I hope you will stay with me and check in to see what I am doing and if you enjoy it please help me share this blog by sending the link to others you think will be interested.
Below are three views of a human skull found at Mayan ruins the eyes are gold and the face is covered with turquoise chips. It is thought that this must have been a very important person even possibly a king.